Wednesday, 29 October 2014

More food

We are continuing to drop in to the cafe when we can and last week we tried something Jo spotted behind the counter - crema di caffe - a light, airy and very sickly concoction that seemed to be all air and caffeine. After a few spoonfuls of this smooth and sweet delight, it was almost enough. But I finished mine and spent the afternoon on a caffeine high. This might explain why I have trouble going to sleep.

The temperature has gone cooler at last and we have had rain and thunder, and maybe even some rumblings from Etna? Who knows. It could have been my imagination. I don't really have the right clothes but attempts to get some have been fruitless as well. Like the UK, it seems unless I want to spend a fortune, clothes are just as rubbish.

I still haven't settled into a food routine, and while it is tempting to eat out at the cafe (I think most people seem to eat their lunch there, it is always so busy) I also want to save money. At the weekend in another place, everyone seemed to be having breakfast which I thought was fun. However, the local supermarkets are not cheap, especially for (I can't remember the word. This is what happens.) Stuff for the bathroom, anyway. It is all expensive. I need snacky things I can eat quickly and today I found some nice wrapped focaccia slices that stay moist - the bread here seems to dry up or go solid very fast which is not nice. I also found something I have been looking for, for ages - since my trip to Como in 2007 in fact - but more of that another time.

I am a bit frustrated that I have not got on with learning Italian. It is having the time to sit and look at what I learned in Babilonia, and also finding someone to practise with. I tried to arrange a meeting with someone from the conversation site but I have not met anyone yet. I have started to talk a little with our Italian flatmate, who is not around often, but I sometimes see her preparing food at unusual late hours. She is only young and we managed to have a short chat and a laugh, so that is good. I am also trying to speak to the secretaries in work, who are very encouraging and like to help. Valeria taught me the word for to sneeze today (as everyone is sneezing) and then proudly said in front of the others, tell them what I taught you today! But sadly, the word had gone completely out of my head about 45 seconds after she told me.

The week is just full of work which is how I suppose all working lives are - Monday to Friday is full of planning and then teaching and even though I have the mornings and afternoons up to about 3pm, I feel I should be looking at lessons the whole time - I am not yet able to relax even when I am repeating a lesson, more or less, to a second group. I am sure it will happen with time. But at the moment it feels fairly stressful and also I am not even sure how much I enjoy it - I do not enjoy worrying about it before, during and after, to the extent I cannot switch off when I come home. I have been listening to my meditation tracks and hoping that helps. I also think sometimes it is a bit boring if you are sitting doing nothing in the class while the students are doing their exercises. But perhaps I ought to be doing something like monitoring and encouraging them. Unfortunately my room is not big enough for me to move around much to see what they are doing. Everyone seems okay though mostly. Sometimes I find it hard to explain things clearly and soon realise when they did not understand. People do not say if they do not understand so I have to find ways of checking. On the whole the students are keen and hard working and it is most rewarding when they have a nice time and enjoy what they are doing. This happens occasionally. I would love it to happen more!

I am speaking English with more of an Italian accent on the end of words. I can't help it. It is just natural. I heard another teacher doing it too.

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