Wednesday, 31 December 2014

End of the year

So I reached the end of term and it all went okay. Went for a particularly nice pizza with my pre-intermediates on the last day. At my request they tried talking to me more in Italian - now I know how they feel as I needed them to speak slower and repeat themselves. But it was fun.

Ella and I discovered we were on the same flight home which was nice as it made the airport experience less boring. I said goodbye to Darcy three times in the end - once in school, then she was at the pizza place, and then she kindly took us to the airport. There was an amazing view of Etna that I've missed before - it must have been in cloud. Ella and I made each other laugh in the airport. We were getting a coffee and she said I would have to attract the guy's attention for mine - that he was probably called Giuseppe, or Francesco, or Alessio, or Alessandro or one of the several names that they all seem to be called. Sure enough when he turned round his name badge said Giuseppe, and so we started laughing. Then the second guy came to the counter and was called Alessandro, and that set us off. By the time we caught sight of the third guy and he was called Francesco, we were doubled over laughing and had to move away in case they thought we were crazy.

It is very relaxing to be back in England where the weather is suitably cold for this time of year and where you can have a conversation with a stranger, for instance about train tickets, and understand everything they are saying. Being able to make small talk was also a refreshing change.

I did find myself missing the Italian sound though so I sneaked in a bit of Montalbano after the usual Christmas films, to see if I could understand it better - of course I still need subtitles but I found it was easier to hear more words.

Today I was transferring things to watch over to my hard drive so I have something to look at when I go back. I happened to see on there the recording of "Dinner for One" - funnily enough New Year's Eve is the traditional day in the year when Germans and other European countries watch this old comedy sketch with England's own Freddie Frinton.  You can read about it here.  The original sketch is on YouTube.

I must have heard the script a hundred times when we made our own version a few years ago. Here I am in the starring role of Miss Sophie. A little slower than we wanted it maybe, but still great fun to make, especially dressing up and acting on stage in a real auditorium. 

Happy 2015!

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